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You can even export your creation to leading portable audio players, including iPod, Rio, iRiver, Creative Labs, Philips, Samsung, and other models which support playback or conversion of WMA files.īurn - free create burn iso - mixmeister bpm analyzer - mixmeister express - avs music mix - img burn - mix - mixmeister - seamless - burn baby burn MixMeister Express also has integrated CD burning capabilities, so creating your own mix CD is a snap. And whether you're creating a mix for a dance floor or a group fitness class, you can make any song faster or slower, to heat people up or cool them down. You can trim long songs down to size, or remix short songs to make them last longer. Unlike conventional media players or CD burning programs, MixMeister automatically analyzes the beats in your songs, and lets you blend songs together with sophisticated, beat-matched transitions that let the rhythm flow from one song to the next. If you're new to digital music mixing, MixMeister Express will help you unlock your "inner DJ." With MixMeister Express, creating seamless DJ-style mix CDs from your MP3 files is easier than you think. Create a seamless DJ mix from your music files.